Friday, March 25, 2011

CEO Keith Mullin speaks about showing off potential in an interview

Excerpt from Keith Mullin's Interview
Most people when they’re looking for a position, whether that be internally or externally, what they fail to do is articulate what the results of their last role has been.  And they fail to articulate those results against three key measurements.  The idea is: how have you increased revenue or sales for the organization you’re part of, how have you helped manage cost, or reduce cost associated with the department or your particular job, or the third element, depending upon your organization, is how have you helped them manage risk.  So when we look at someone’s skill set, and we ask people to look at their own skill set, what we’re really asking is, “tell me where you had an impact, not only in terms of leadership and collaboration but how is that measured in the success.  How did you know at the end of the day you did a good job?  If you look forward three, six, nine months, how do you know you had an impact on the organization?”

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