"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." -Author Ayn Rand
At Mullin, a big part of what we do is ask our clients "What do you want to be when you grow up?" This might seem like a silly question when it's being asked of a 45 year old rather than a 4 year old, but think about it: if you had to answer that question right now, what would the answer be?

If it's exactly what you're doing right now, then well done! But if it isn't, then take this opportunity to think about how you can go from where you are now to where you want to be.
At Mullin & Associates/Lincolnshire International, our goal is to maximize value by providing services that lead in people, process, and technology. We are recognized as the premier global provider of individual outplacement solutions which focus on the individual and offer progressive winning strategies. Our unique Career Pathing service provides professional-level candidates with up to 18-months counseling support once they have landed new positions.
In business since 1980, Mullin & Associates/Lincolnshire International has a superior reputation for providing individual personal service. We are able to do this because our career consultants have significant business experience, have personally experienced outplacement, and dedicate appropriate time to each candidate because of the manageable candidate/consultant ratio. As an example, with our Quality Assurance Program we require consultants to maintain a consultant/candidate ratio of 20:1, the lowest in the outplacement industry.
We are confident that our professionals have the talents, skills, capacity, and innovation, as well as the overall management experience, to successfully and effectively provide the highest standard of outplacement for departing employees anywhere in the world.
Whether you're already a client at Mullin or are considering utilizing our services, know that we are here to help you decide what you want to be "when you grow up," and will do everything possible to make sure that you get there.
"To be successful, you must manage your career by thinking about your own needs and also the needs of the organization, and contribute in ways that satisfy both." -Vijay Sathe, "Manage Your Career: 10 Keys to Survival and Success When Interviewing and on the Job"
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